Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!

My little sweet Paige is 1. You have brought so much love and entertainment into our family. I finally have a girl to dress up in fun outfits and put bows in your hair. You make us all laugh with your expressions. You are in love with food and your favorite thing to eat are grapes. You are scooting along tables, climbing onto things, and able to stand by yourself for about 6 seconds. You love to walk behind push toys and soon will be on your way to walking. You can say mama and love to squeal instead of talk. You still have your fairy hand motion and your curling toes. You love pestering your brother and playing with anything that he plays with and even make car noises while pushing a car. You like the hair on your dolls and even brush your hair. We call you baby girl or paigey paige. We love you so much and can't wait to see the growth in the next coming year.

1 comment:

g said said...

happy birthday paige!!!
what a cake! just so you know, you had a blast with your uncle g last week! love you lil' girl!