Thursday, November 26, 2009

Who needs a chair when you have a buddy.

Paige and Missy are highly amusing at times. Missy puts up with the ever-constant chasing and teasing from Paige with more patience than at times I myself have. But as when Matt was this age Missy just plays along and absolutly loves the attention. These pictures are an example of what we see on a daily basis in my house.


Getting ready for nap time, for both parties.


Alison said...

missy is a crack up! man, i would totally get a dog if i knew she would be just like missy:) love how paige sits on her...funny girl!

caseyandmelody said...

OK so I hope Casey doesn't see this because he is constantly asking me for a dog. But wow...this is really cute. I'm wondering if I should just give in....

x said...
