A couple of weeks ago I went to Spokane and got checked out as a Check Airman for my company. For some that may not know what that job is it's basically me training the new-hires. I had my first victim last week. I think I'm going to really enjoy the new job. It should keep me a little busier as far as the flying is concerned.
The other Check Airman's wife visited us while we were doing training one day and took these pictures. I think they turned out pretty good.
clay you lookin' good next to that plane...and i love your belly jo! you are finally showing!!!!!! you are still so little though, not fair!
holy crap. those are some beauties. the throttles about bring a tear to my eye. and that b/w with you and your bird in the snow . . . seriously, how many ways can you a make a brother feel envy??
sheesh. still can't get over it. . .
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