Friday, October 24, 2008

Matthew gets Stapled up

Tonight at the ward Halloween party a group of boys were playing out in the hallway. I just sat down to eat and one of my activity day girls brought Matt to me and said I don't know what happened. Matthew was crying. After trying to console him for a bit I saw a gash on the side of his head. We rushed him over to CareNow and he ended up getting two staples in his head to help heal the gash. It ends up that one boy pushed him and he fell into the wall. Matthew was so brave. He wanted so badly to stay and Trunk or Treat so the only way that we could get him away is to tell him that he could pick out his first Batman toy. He has suddely taken a love for Batman. Earlier in the day he was rough housing with his dad and ended up running into Clay's elbow which lead to a bump and bruise on the other side of his head by his eye. For a kid that has never gotten hurt before it looks like he just got out of the octagon of the UFC. The doctors at the CareNow looked more concerned about the bruise on his face and I am surprises they did not call CPS on us.
As a mother it hurts so much inside when you are watching your child go through so much pain when they were numbing him up with an injection to his mellon. I was almost in tears, feeling so helpless and wanting the pain to be placed upon me. He did so wonderful and Clay did the tough part of holding him through all of this.


Alison said...

poor kid! that's a real bite! get well soon matthew!

cswelchkins said...

Sometimes these injuries are harder on Mom than they are on the child. I'm sorry Matthew got hurt. Has he forgotten about his scraped knee now? Its a good thing kids recover quickly.