Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jo vs. Paige

Over the past four weeks I took the plunged and started the dreaded process of potty training Paige. Paige and I are both very strong willed people and it was a battle at first to see how long I could sit there and wait for her to go and for Paige how long she could sit there and hold. In the battle of Jo vs. Paige, Jo won. The first 2 weeks were difficult for me and my patients. The determination paid off and she now is able to tell me when she needs to go and can hold it until we make it to a bathroom at a store. She still has accidents here and there but for the most part she is potty trained.
Once she was pretty well on her way to being potty trained she was able to pick out panties that she wanted and the outcome was "Buzz" boy underwear. Forget about the pretty girly underwear, Paige wanted "Buzz".


Alison said...

i love it! she does have a little mind of her own! lucky for you, going to be out of for me, heading right back into them! love those buzz undies, i think you need to find some in clay's size.

cswelchkins said...

Love that cute behind!

caseyandmelody said...

Lol...I don't think she'll ever be able to live that down. I think I'll joke with her until she's married that she loved wearing buzz lightyear undies...