Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eagle Mountain Lake

Our good friends Brent and Angie invited us out to their parent's house located on Eagle Mountain Lake. This was the first time for both the kids to enjoy one of Texas' great lakes. Matthew's favorite thing was riding with Brent on his brand new jet ski. I did a lot of relaxing on Chill Town, the huge floating raft.

After about 3 hours in the sun it was time to change and head on the boat for dinner. We didn't bring clothes to change into so we dashed home and in 11 minutes the kids and Clay were able to shower and change, feed the dog and get back in the car. Not bad for a family of 4.

Angie's dad drove all of us on his pontoon boat across the lake to a restaurant on the marina. This was so relaxing to me. The wind blowing, enjoying the crisp summer night. We ended up eating at Scampi's Cove after arriving at other locations that had already closed. This was some amazing grub! Clay and I had a hamburger that had a fried egg and bacon on it!! One of the best burger's I have ever had.

On the way back the kiddos fell asleep on the boat. Clay was feeling a bit motion sickness for the first time ever in his many years of enjoying a boat and had to move to the back of the boat. Brent took his spot next to Paige and the rest of the ride Paige was holding on to Brent's finger. It was fun to see the smile on Brent's face.

Our adventure as a family on the lake ended with tons of adventures and first for the kids. Hopefully next time Clay and I can get on the jet ski for our first jet ski adventure.

1 comment:

ColleenandKendra said...

I am the beneficiary of having great friends on EM Lake, too, and I love it! Its become a birthday tradition to sail over to eat at Scampi's each June. I love it! So glad you had a good time!