Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paige's First Day of Mother's Day Out

This girl is something else. Clay and I both took her to school. As soon as she saw the building she started saying "Atticus there! Atticus there!" She was excited to see her buddy. We walked her in and she ran straight into her class opened the play house door, closed the play house door and began to play. We didn't even get a good bye.

Then her third dance class started and she cried through the whole thing. On Thursday we dropped her off at MDO and they almost called me to come get her because she cried for an hour. In nursery she cried herself to sleep. Clay and I were totally confused as to why a switch just flipped and she was this hysterical child when left with out her parents. Clay was gone for 5 weeks and this was his first week home, so we sorta thought it was that. But then there was sleep issues. During the summer she would go to bed around 6:30pm and not even wake up till 9:00am. The week that school started she was going to bed at 8:00 or 9:00 and waking up at 6:30 or so. So we added a nap back into her afternoon and finally got her going down at 7:30 and I have to wake her up to take Matthew to school. Now that she has enough sleep she has been happy go lucky girl again.

1 comment:

Megan Andersen said...

Ahhhh, at least you know just how much she truly misses you when your gone! What a sweet girl!! I just love her zebra handbag!!!