Monday, January 5, 2009

Houston is as glorious as one would guess (SARCASM).

Well day one of ATR school is complete. I had to leave the New Mexico trip early to get to Houston so I can get my education on. Bad news....... I missed on the back half of the ski trip. Good news..... I get typed on the ATR preparing for my new base in Midland.

So I guess it's 1 day down 26 to go till I get home for a weekend to see the fam for a weekend before leaving again to do ATR differences training (ATR-42 and ATR-72) for a few more weeks in Spokane, Seattle, and SouthEast Alaska. It should be a busy 2 months!!

Big thanks to all involved in the ski trip!! It was a blast.


1 comment:

x said...

Poor thing! Your family is going to miss you so much!

Here is to safe travels all the way!