Monday, November 10, 2008

Drool Rash

I finally took Paige to the doctor over the concern of the rash on her face. I just did not know if it was going to be a permanent thing or if it would go away on its own. It ends up that she has a drool rash and that it is caused by the moisture around her mouth and the use of a binkie. The doctor gave us a little cream and hopefully in a week it will go away. She is still a beautiful girl even though she does have a clown face.


Megan Andersen said...

I'd still take her in a heart beat!

g said said...

very cute. i thought she smashed raspberries on her face!

x said...

My niece gets that too. Its starting to clear up the older she gets. My sister started giving her a dry wash cloth for her to chew on and that helped keep her a little less slobbery.

Of course, it doesn't distract P's extreme adorableness.

Prettylittleblackbow said...

Hi, did the drool rash ever go away. What did you use to treat it? My baby has a similar rash around his mouth that just won't go away. :(

Prettylittleblackbow said...

Hi, did the drool rash ever go away. What did you use to treat it? My baby has a similar rash around his mouth that just won't go away. :(