Sunday, November 30, 2008

Paige Doing Circles

This is a video (which is in super speed) of Paige sitting and turning in circles. One day we noticed that she was not sitting in the direction we put her. She will now turn her body using her legs. She loves to stand (with our assistance) and is able to hold her body weight up on all four. She is able to move her self backwards, but is still just rocking herself back and forth when she tries to go forward. Any day now she will be on the move with a crawl and at this point Miss Grabby Patties will be a force to be reckoned with.


Alison said...

that is a crack up!! she is bound to be a break dancer!! we miss you!!!!

cswelchkins said...

She's ready to go! There won't be any stopping her soon. Thanks for the chuckle. Love ya, Mom

g said said...

this cracks me up! very cool video! great idea.